[Dovecot] v1.1.6 released

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Thu Nov 20 02:47:39 EET 2008

On Nov 19, 2008, at 10:29 PM, Brian Hayden wrote:

> On Nov 19 2008, Adam McDougall wrote:
>> Just wanted to mention that 1.1.6 seems fine so far in our testing,  
>> and I think the lack of reported problems on the mailing list is  
>> probably a very good sign!
> We're running 1.1.4 in production on one machine, and have tried  
> 1.1.5. and 1.1.6 in our test environment... all three still  
> sometimes have the "next message unexpectedly lost" error logged.  
> This happens only for Outlook users, and corresponds to the user  
> seeing a message with no subject or body in Outlook's list.

I've finally managed to reproduce this with my own mails a few days  
ago. Now I'd just need to figure out what exactly is causing it and  
fix it.

> Other clients see the message fine. Effective workarounds:
> 1. Delete index files.
> 2. Have the user use a client such as Pine to "bounce" the message,  
> or reply to it, or etc. After this Outlook can display it. We've  
> sort of inferred that this is due to the fact that it's technically  
> a "new" message now, as it is rewritten to add the appropriate  
> header fields.

3. Don't use mbox. :)

Although I thought this error was transparent to users. I get it every  
few days and haven't really noticed any problems because of it. Wonder  
what Outlook sees that causes it to break.

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