[Dovecot] Outlook problem when deleting mails

Ulf Jaenicke-Rößler ujr at insynergie.de
Wed Oct 20 11:31:06 EEST 2010

Am 14.10.2010 16:37, schrieb Timo Sirainen:

>> A colleague is running Outlook 2007 on Vista and sometimes (sometimes very often, sometimes only occasionally) when he wants to delete mails, Outlook hangs for some time (he says about 1, 2 or 3 minutes) until it finally puts out a message box:
>> "The server did not respond to this IMAP command before the connection was terminated"

> Wonder if your problem is really some network related issue where a
> firewall doesn't like long running connections and just starts blocking
> them at some point.

Hmmm - interesting thought. This brings something to mind that I had not considered to be important:

Our Ubuntu mail server is running in a VM on Windows (no comments please ;-)).
It was running in VMWare server 1.x on XP and we moved it to Windows 2008R2 in VMWare server 2.x. It seems like the problems started 
(or at least became more frequent) after this.

Another change I made was to upgrade Ubuntu from 8.04LTS to 10.04LTS after the move. So I don't know if the following change in the logs is related to the upgrade or to the problem: While there where "Disconnect on IDLE" messages in the logs before the move/the upgrade, later messages always show up like this:
2010-10-14 15:50:11 IMAP(user): Info: Disconnected in IDLE bytes=1691/5522
(with "bytes=x/y"). What does it mean?

How could I get more information? Is there a more verbose log? Could it help?

I tried to
telnet mail 143
1 login user pass
2 select inbox
3 idle

but this doesn't seem to cause a problem.

Best regards

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