[Dovecot] BUG: LDAP extension failed to authenticate if 'base' DN configuration is empty ''

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Tue Jul 31 21:51:24 EEST 2012

On 29.7.2012, at 15.00, Hendy Irawan wrote:

> We have several context entries and want to authenticate a user against the
> whole LDAP server.
> However when setting "base = " Dovecot LDAP fails with following message:
> Jul 29 10:50:59 nitik1 dovecot: auth: Error:
> ldap(hendy at staging.member.berbatik.com,
> ldap_search((virtualMail=hendy at staging.member.berbatik.com)) failed: Other
> (e.g., implementation specific) error

Does the attached patch help? If yes, I'll add it to next version.

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