[Dovecot] deleted-to-trash plugin problems

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Jul 24 18:38:58 EEST 2012

on 7/24/2012 7:51 AM Steve Platt spake the following:
> We have a user who wants to use Outlook with our Dovecot IMAP server but
> doesn't like the way Outlook handles deletion with IMAP.
> Ironically she would like Outlook to move the message to her Trash folder,
> just like Outlook does with "local" folders, I guess.
> So I enabled the "deleted-to-trash" plugin (v0.3) on our Dovecot 1.2.17 server
> (built for SPARC, solaris 10, btw).
> The problem is that it doesn't seem to work; the message doesn't even appear
> to get marked for delete.
> The imap log says: "opening Trash succeeded" and then nothing else!
> I have found that there is a copy of the message in .Trash/tmp/ suggesting
> that the plugin may be bailing out part way through.
> Has anyone any idea what's wrong please?
> I'll attach the output of dovecot -n ...
> Thanks,
> Steve
On a side note... Outlook 2010 finally does this on its own...

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