[Dovecot] problems with SSH-based clustering dovecot 2.1.1

Michescu Andrei andrei.michescu at miau.ca
Tue Mar 13 20:22:16 EET 2012


Thank you for your reply.

I'm attaching you the output for the 2nd bug. All the folders that you see
in there does not exists in user1 at b but they belong to first_user at a (which
is NOT involved in this sync), BUT a is the default domain.

Also for the first suggestion:

1) how do you sync initially the 2 machines? Because if you create the
account on both machines, already the Inbox has 2 different guids
2) if you know the guid, how do you change them? Because then I can do the
rsync and after I can correct the guid on the other machine

Thank you,

> On 13.3.2012, at 7.41, Michescu Andrei wrote:
>> Initially I synchronize mx1.a with mx2.a using rsync. I check that I can
>> login using dovecot.
> ..
>> The only thing that happens is that the on each machine the folders get
>> doubled with some random extension (eg. Inbox becomes
>> Inbox_3e3ff3g3gb3bb3b22).
> This is kind of a feature. Currently if two mailboxes have a same name,
> but different GUID, dsync doesn't even try to merge them but instead
> renames one of them.
> So don't do initial sync with rsync, but with dsync. Alternatively you
> need to first get each mailbox assigned a GUID, for example: doveadm -A
> mailbox status guid '*'
>> Also, another bug, if there is a domain setup as default
>> (auth_default_realm) dsync simply ignores the specified -u <user> and
>> attempts to sync the first email in the default domain.
> That can't be possible, something else is happening. What does dsync and
> auth log with debugs enabled when this happens?
> !DSPAM:4f5efb4c315461389012818!
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