folders in public namespace only visable to 2nd folder level in

Andreas Oster aoster at
Thu May 4 10:27:53 EEST 2017

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Andreas Oster
NOVA Elektroanlagen GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3

D-76275 Ettlingen

Tel.: +49 (7243) 5490 22
FAX: +49 (7243) 5490 54
aoster at

Geschäftsführer: Jörg Amann, Claudia Blasi
Registergericht: Mannheim, HRB 361711 	Adresse Andreas Oster

Am 03.05.2017 um 17:51 schrieb Andreas Oster:
> Hi all,
> I am currently facing an issue with Dovevot version where 
> subfolders in a public namespace are only
> visible to the 2nd folder level:
> namespace Public -> folder "1st" -> folder -> "2nd" -> folder "3rd" ....
> When one user creates a subfolder below the 2nd level other users do not 
> see that folder and are unable to
> subscribe to this folder. Folders created under the 1st level however 
> are visible and subscribable by other
> users.
> namespace {
>    disabled = no
>    hidden = no
>    ignore_on_failure = no
>    inbox = no
>    list = children
>    type = public
>    separator = /
>    prefix = Public/
>    location = maildir:/var/vmail/public:INDEXPVT=~/Maildir/public
>    subscriptions = no
> }
> I do not know at which point ( dovecot update ) this issue appeared.
> Does anyone face the same problem ?
> Thank you for your kind help
> best regards
> Andreas

Hi all,

I have just recognized that there seems to be something wrong with the 
per user seen flag indexes. In the dovecot log file I get a lot of those 

Error: /var/vmail/domain/someuser/Maildir/public/.test.2nd 
/dovecot.index.pvt reset, view is now inconsistent
view is inconsistent

Error: /var/vmail/domain/someuser/Maildir/public/.test.2nd.3rd 
/dovecot.index.pvt reset, view is now inconsistent
view is inconsistent


Could this be the cause of the issue ? How can this be fixed ?

Thank you for your kind help

best regards

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