Cannot delete folder

Yves Goergen nospam.list at
Mon May 21 23:18:14 EEST 2018

To be honest, I can't follow you. I see that I have inconsistent 
permissions (but all the same owner and group). I did use a different 
mail server software in the past, but that's long ago and I can't even 
remember when I switched to Dovecot. I think it was Courier-IMAP before.

Maildirs for new mailboxes are still created by one of my own scripts so 
maybe that script creates the maildirs with some wrong permissions. I'll 
first have to look up what all those funny letters actually mean. 
They're too rare to remember.


Von: Linda A. Walsh
Gesendet: Mo, 2018-05-21 20:20 +0200

Yves Goergen wrote:
> The issue still exists. Can anybody explain to me why dovecot creates
> IMAP folders with the wrong filesystem permissions?
On a lark, I looked through my dirs @ permissions.  Shorted lines a bit
so they'd fit w/o extra lines between them using:
(get rid of text before permissions, and shorten user/group to a few letter)
find . -type d -ls|sed -r 's/^\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+// ; s/linda(group)?/usr/g'

Made it wasy to look down the 1st column and find where things were
FWIW, using mbox format.

My base permissions were     : drwxrwxr-x
most were:                   : drwxrwsr-x
I noticed that subdirs I
created *by hand* (to later
move folders into), often
had different permissions    :  drwxrwsr--

The first auto-dir created
by dovecot (.imap under
top dir) had some perms
drawn from the base          : drwxrwxr--
First auto-subdir created
(INBOX) had                  : drwxrwxr-x
     BUT...had a different
group  -- one that I used
ages ago before making sure
that the username based group
took priority.
(I make each user's primary
group one based on their

Another imap created subdir
(.imap/Junk)                 : drwxrwx---

took it's perms from the base
file.  Most of my mbox files
have                         : -rw-rw-r--
but Junk was                 : -rw-rw---- (thus no 'r' bit on .imap/Junk)

In all the cases, the folders that were different
derived from manually created mboxes, *OR* a few
auto-created MBOXES (like INBOX ... and likely 'Trash' --
but before using dovecot, I already had a 'Trash' mbox, so it
just used it w/the same perms.

In your case, the permissions likely derive from the
umask that dovecot was(is?) running with when it created
the 'builtin' files (like Trash, Inbox, etc..)

Does that fit your case?

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