Search seems slow with apache solr

Steve Dondley s at
Sun Apr 4 19:24:16 EEST 2021

I'm experimenting with Apache Solr and Dovecot. As far as I can tell, I 
have dovecot working with Apache Solr as demonstrated by this output:

a search text "cash"
* SEARCH 4 8 26 35 45 52 54 55 63
a OK Search completed (0.356 + 0.001 + 0.068 secs).

However, when using the roundcube search bar and search all messages on 
a single word, it takes about 18 seconds. This seems slow as I only have 
about 4300 message in all my folders. But I'm not sure as I have nothing 
to compare it to.

Is there a way I can test whether roundcube is using solr to perform 

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