What imap ssl/auth settings work best with MS Outlook?

Steve Dondley s at dondley.com
Wed Apr 28 21:49:03 EEST 2021

I repeatedly have a hell of a time getting clients' Outlook software 
working well with Dovecot. It's hard for me to test myself since I don't 
have Outlook and it would be impossible to keep up with all the 
different versions anyway.

I've got the following settings, currently:

disable_plaintext_auth = yes
auth_username_format = %Ln
auth_mechanisms = plain login
ssl = yes

service imap-login {
#  inet_listener imap {
#    port = 143
#  }

  inet_listener imaps {
     port = 993
     ssl = yes

service imap {
   client_limit = 1

It always seems to be hit or miss with outlook as to which encryption 
setting to use, which port to try, etc. With a recent client, I couldn't 
get them successfully logged in no matter what manual settings we tried. 
If someone can give me some tips on how to get most versions of Outlook 
cooperating well with Dovecot, I'd appreciate it.

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