Sv: Force clients to use pgp encryption when sending email?

Sebastian Nielsen sebastian at
Wed Dec 8 08:17:54 UTC 2021

Another solution is to use for example Ciphermail to automatically encrypt mail server-side. In this way you don't need to reject non-encrypted mail, you can just make sure it gets encrypted before it leaves premises.

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: dovecot-bounces at <dovecot-bounces at> För Austin Witmer
Skickat: den 8 december 2021 07:15
Till: dovecot at; dovecot at
Ämne: Re: Force clients to use pgp encryption when sending email?

Thanks for that info! It’s just what I needed!

> On Dec 7, 2021, at 8:35 PM, dovecot at wrote:
>> Basically I want the server to check if the message being sent is encrypted with OpenGPG and either proceed or reject the message based on that criteria.
> Postfix is your submission service so i think best to look that direction. If there is a header you can check for (if the header exist then allow sending) then postfix has header checks regexp/pcre that would be simple enough to setup.
> On the more complex side, postfix also supports policy servers you can write as a script (php, perl, python, etc) or you can go full on milter.

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