userdb volatiledir setting not working

Александер Скобельцын oasisnejeb at
Wed Jun 2 09:59:51 EEST 2021

Hi all! I just can't deal with VOLATILEDIR userdb setting on my
mailservers. For example dovecot-uidlist.lock files are still being created
over our network mail store.

So, several days ago I changed my user and passwd query setting to include
this option and restarted all my dovecot servers. Now it looks like (we use
mysql driver):

user_query = \
    `u`.`pop` AS `home`, \
    `u`.`uid`, \
    `u`.`gid`, \
    CONCAT('maildir:', `u`.`smtp`,
AS `mail`, \
    CONCAT('*:bytes=', `u`.`quota`, 'M') AS `quota_rule` ,\
    CONCAT('url=http://', fts_solr, ':8983/solr/dovecot/') AS fts_solr \
  FROM `users` AS `u` \
    JOIN `domains` AS `d` ON `d`.`domain_id` = `u`.`domain_id` \
    `u`.`username` = '%u' \
    AND `u`.`enabled` = 1 \
    AND `d`.`enabled` = 1 \
    AND `u`.`type` IN ('local', 'piped')

password_query = \
    `u`.`username` AS `user`, \
    `u`.`crypt` AS `password`, \
    `u`.`pop` AS `userdb_home`, \
    `u`.`uid` AS `userdb_uid`, \
    `u`.`gid` AS `userdb_gid`, \
    CONCAT('maildir:', `u`.`smtp`,
AS `userdb_mail`, \
    CONCAT('*:bytes=', `u`.`quota`, 'M') AS `userdb_quota_rule` \
  FROM `users` AS `u` \
    JOIN `domains` AS `d` ON `d`.`domain_id` = `u`.`domain_id` \
    `u`.`username` = '%u' \
    AND `u`.`enabled` = 1 \
    AND `d`.`enabled` = 1 \
    AND `u`.`type` IN ('local', 'piped')

The aim was to move .lock and another temp files out of network storage our
mails are stored. We use CephFS for storing user emails (maildir format).
In addition we use 3 imap servers, each mount exact same path in cephfs and
2 dovecot directors to handle user=imapserver mapping, so user shouldn't
exist on more than one imapserver at a time.

Am I must use CONTROL directive in addition to  force move control files
from network store for VOLATILEDIR setting to work properly or I just
misconfigured something?

Extra info:
dovecot --version
2.3.14 (cee3cbc0d)
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