Solr FTS - message deletes not working as expected

Shawn Heisey elyograg at
Thu Nov 4 05:45:04 UTC 2021

On 11/3/2021 11:10 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> Then I downloaded the source archive from the main site, extracted it, 
> and the configure script was included in that.  After compiling, I found 
> the .so file and moved it into place, and I will be testing it.

The new library is significantly larger than the one it replaced, 332 KB 
versus 55KB.  I'm guessing it has things like debug symbols that get 
stripped when it's packaged.

I see no change in behavior even with that section of code removed.  I 
included some unique text in the body of the message I wrote and sent, 
and after sending I find both the copy in Drafts and the copy in Sent 
when I do a manual Solr query for that unique text.  I waited several 
minutes ... I didn't hit Send and then immediately do the query.

Manual expunges of existing messages also are not sending a delete 
request to Solr.  I waited several minutes for that too.


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