Ubuntu 22.04/Jammy repo coming soon ?

Dean Carpenter deano-dovecot at areyes.com
Mon Jul 25 16:23:18 UTC 2022


On 2022-07-20 6:01 am, Aki Tuomi wrote: 

>> On 15/07/2022 00:38 EEST Dean Carpenter <deano-dovecot at areyes.com> wrote: Is there any idea of when a repo for Ubuntu 22.04/Jammy will be built ? I've tried a couple of test installs onto a 22.04 system using the 20.04/Focal repo, but no luck yet. libssl issues etc. -- Dean Carpenter
> It will probably be made for the next major release, 2.4.
> For 2.3, we have no plans to provide ubuntu 22 support via repo.dovecot.org currently.

Ah that's too bad, but understandable. Is there a timeline for 2.4 ? 
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