On Mon, 16 Feb 2015 10:09:16 +0100 "Wolfgang Gross" <WGross@uni-hd.de> wrote:
this is not a genuine Dovecot bug, more a nuisance. It applies to OpenSuse 13.2 but maybe also to other Linux's.
The standard installation of Dovecot (especially 10-ssl.conf) places the certificate dovecot.pem in /etc/ssl/certs. Sometimes during updates does OpenSuse renew all certificates in /etc/ssl/certs and erases dovecot.pem. This blocks further access to the mailbox.
I found a similar report here: https://bbs.archlinux.de/viewtopic.php?id=27288
Workaround: Move dovecot.pem to another directory and change 10-ssl.conf accordingly.
This is *not* our update mechanism. This is update-ca-certificates, which will wipe /etc/ssl/certs/ when it is called. This can happen to you on any distro using it. My recommendation is to use /etc/ssl/private/ for all service related files. Certs and keys.
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