I continue to deal with this issue where the MIME Boundary appears on the bottom of the email and it is still happening as of Dovecot 1.0.5. Unfortunately, it continues to happen to me ONLY with one email box that I have seen and, of course, the email box has sensitive data in it.
I had been hoping the issue would occur with a folder that had something like an email from my mom's brother's cousin sending some forward of some joke that's gone around 200x's but no luck.
One update is that I have determined thanks to a colleague that if I move the email to another folder and back, the issue does not reappear so recreating this issue is a bear.
Anyway, will *just* the cache file help you because that is information we log anyway and doesn't fall under our privacy issues?
Otherwise would you be willing to login to our server via SSH and agree to SAGE's ethics guide and do the research as an administrator under those rules? http://www.sage.org/ethics/ethics_horiz.pdf
As an aside, the ethics guideline and SAGE are fantastic for ANY computer professional doing work for other people.
Regards, KAM
----- Original Message ----- From: "Timo Sirainen" <tss@iki.fi> Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Possible Caching Bug showing up as a MIME BoundaryIssue
When it happens, is it possible that you could send me the mbox file (through http://dovecot.org/tools/mbox-anonymize.pl is fine) and the mailbox's dovecot.index* files? The only problematic file (and the most important one in fixing this) is dovecot.index.cache which could contain email addresses, subjects and other headers.