- Mario Antonio <support@webjogger.net>:
In previous emails, Stephan stated: "As the WIKI states: do *NOT* use these packages for systems that need
to be *STABLE*! This is rebuilt every hour from repository commits from
Timo and myself and if/when one of us commits a mistake, your setup will
break accordingly upon upgrade. This is for testing purposes only."My guess he is just referring to the DEB packages ...
So do you consider safe to use the source package ....?
Of course this is safe. Just kidding.
If you want to compile these source packages, take _one_ version, compile it and then test it thoroughly. If it passes all testing, then put it into staging, test more, and only if it passes all test again, move it to production environment.
And don't upgrade every time a new source package is available.
As always, you should know what you are doing if you install packages provided by third parties, be it binaries or sources you compile yourself. Example: The sources come with a "2:" epoch. If one day, the next stable version of Debian comes with "1:1.2.8" and you previously installed your freshly built "2:1.2.1", then the upgrade process will not replace your old, outdated, built-from-source packages.
Cheers Stefan