I don’t understand your reply. I am running Ubuntu 14.04 in Docker image now, but there is no support for BLF-CRYPT in 14.04.
As for openbsd, Docker images can be based on any Linux distro that is available in the Docker Hub. OpenBSD is not a Linux distro and I would have to run it inside a VM which isn’t acceptable.
See https://hub.docker.com/explore/ <https://hub.docker.com/explore/> for a list of Official Repos that are suitable to use as base images for building Dovecot such as ubuntu, debian, centos, alpine, oraclelinux, opensuse, etc.
I suspect that most glibc crypt() implementations don’t support BLF-CRYPT and that is one reason that PHP includes fallback BLF-CRYPT function so PHP users can generate Blowfish password hashes without worrying whether PHP is running on Linux or not.
On Jun 6, 2016, at 7:17 PM, Peter Chiochetti <pch@myzel.net> wrote:
Am 2016-06-06 um 15:36 schrieb KT Walrus:
Since I’m using Docker, the easiest solution for me is to find a linux distro that can run Dovecot well and supports BLF-CRYPT as well.
What Linux distros support BLF-CRYPT and are well tested and secure?
As you are running Ubuntu 14.04 now - I suppose most all Linux distros are as well tested as this.
For both tested and secure, you may choose openbsd? Dont know if Docker does this though -- nevertheless, I guess docker probably rules out anything secure...
-- peter