On 2023-07-18, Gerald Galster <list+dovecot@gcore.biz> wrote:
While I understand it takes effort to maintain the replication plugin, this is especially problematic for small active/active high-availability deployments. I guess there are lots of servers that use replication for just 50 or 100 mailboxes. Cloudstorage (like S3) would be overkill for these.
Even without active/active, it's super useful for the simple active/backup configuration which I use on my personal mail server setup (one colo box, one home server) and a small company mail server; as such I'm pretty sad to see it go. Still, it is up to OX where they want to put their resources.
I guess losing repl probably doesn't affect larger ISP type setups so much; it seems a bit more common to use shared storage (e.g. maildirs on an nfs appliance or similar) in those cases if they're actually running their own storage.
Do you provide dovecot pro subscriptions for such small deployments?
Unless I misunderstood the message (and I don't think I did), repl was removed in pro too. (I don't expect that pro is available on my usual choice of OS anyway..).