Am 26.02.2013 14:20, schrieb Valery V. Sedletski:
Hi all
Is it possible to configure Dovecot's sieve plugin to act on message arrival to folders, other than INBOX?
sieve is invoked by lda or lmtp not "as arrive in inbox"
I wish to move messages fetched by pop3 fetcher to special folder, or sort
if you use i.e getmail and maildir it may possible
outgoing mail to folders, specific
outgoing mail is smtp, with i.e imap copy to sent folder etc if you want other folders your imap client should do it
try i.e
to their recipients.
Thanhs in advance,
i guess what you want in gneral ,is more advanced ( new ) handling of mail workflow at all, look at list archives for more info on some stuff you asked, some may work in the future with new features in imap and sieve, but meanwhile you have to workaround
WBR, valery
Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer
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