set seen flag and junk moving a mail manually to JUNK
Hi there!
I want to set the \seen and the Junk Flag to an email, which i move manually to my Junk-Folder.
I tried a lot... but nothing worked like expected.
I have a sieve-filter, which takes an email and copy it to a pipe to rspamc. This filter is working correctly, i get a debug-message from the script, which is called through the sieve-filter. But adding another rule (addflag "Junk"; setflag "\\seen";) to this rule is getting ignored...
Here is my sieve-rule:
require ["imap4flags", "vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"];
if environment :matches "" "*" { set "email" "${1}"; } addflag "Junk"; setflag "\\seen"; pipe :copy "" [ "${email}" ];
How said before, the script is called, when i move a Message via drag&drop in thunderbird from the INBOX to the Junk-Folder. But the message in the Junk-Folder is unseen, recent and has no Junk-Flag...
What's wrong?
- Jakobus Schürz:
addflag "Junk"; setflag "\\seen";
That's probably not what you want, because the 'setflag' command replaces all existing flags. In any case, I recommend you use this method instead:
plugin { sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /etc/dovecot/sievepipe
# Message moved into Spam folder
imapsieve_mailbox1_name = Junk
imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY
imapsieve_mailbox1_before = file:/etc/dovecot/sievepipe/report-spam
# Message moved out of Spam folder
imapsieve_mailbox2_name = *
imapsieve_mailbox2_from = Junk
imapsieve_mailbox2_causes = COPY
imapsieve_mailbox2_before = file:/etc/dovecot/sievepipe/report-ham
This was typed from memory, so I hope the syntax is correct.
Hi Ralph!
This is, what calls the correct sive-filter rules. I have that already in use. But the file
contains my sieve-script from my first posting. So, the difference from setflag to addflag is, setflag sets the flags, and only the given flags (removing all other flags), and addflag adds a flag to the existing flags...
I fiddled around a little... The sieve-script sets the Junk-Flag, when it looks like:
require ["imap4flags", "vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"];
if environment :matches "" "*" { set "email" "${1}"; }
addflag "Junk \\seen"; pipe :copy ""; pipe :copy "" [ "${email}" ];
But the \\seen-Flag is not set.
When i comment out the addflag-line, the Junk-Flag is not set. So the line works correct... but only for the Junk-Flag, not for the seen-Flag... Why?
Am 04.12.18 um 12:46 schrieb Ralph Seichter:
Ok. I tried another Thunderbird-specific Flag:
require ["imap4flags", "vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"]; if environment :matches "" "*" { set "email" "${1}"; } addflag "Junk"; addflag "\\seen"; addflag "$label3"; pipe :copy ""; pipe :copy "" [ "${email}" ];
When i move an unflagged email to Folder Junk, it is shown in Thunderbird as "personal", Junk but Unseen.
So, the rule is really working, except for the \\seen-Flag.
I have the line
addflag "\\seen";
from the dovecot-wiki!
BG jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 14:06 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
Now i tried an additional rule in my "normal" working sieve-filter:
if address :domain :matches "from" "company.example" { setflag "\\seen"; fileinto :create "INBOX/foo/test"; stop; }
and sent an email from my company-account. The folder INBOX/foo/test gets created, but the message inside is not marked as seen.
So i think, this is a bug in dovecot/pigeonhole, which ignores the \\seen-Flag being set by sieve-script.
I tried to set the seen-flag to the message with doveadm. This works correctly.
BG Jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 14:23 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
I have the following, and it works: require ["include","fileinto","imap4flags","variables"]; global "MyFlags"; if header :contains ["X-LERCTR-Spam-Flag","X-TNTSCAN-Spam-Flag"] "YES" { redirect ""; addflag "MyFlags" "\\Seen Junk"; fileinto :flags "${MyFlags}" "SPAM"; stop; }
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 8:25 AM Jakobus Schürz <> wrote:
-- Larry Rosenman Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c) E-Mail: US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106
2.3.4/0.5.4 (dovecot/pigeonhole)
Note the casing on the \\Seen flag.
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 9:02 AM Jakobus Schürz <> wrote:
-- Larry Rosenman Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c) E-Mail: US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106
I tried it like you... doesn't work. The message gets all the other flags, but not the \Seen-Flag.
My repo is stretch dpkg -l|grep dove ii dovecot-core 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - core files ii dovecot-imapd 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - IMAP daemon ii dovecot-ldap 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - LDAP support ii dovecot-lmtpd 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - LMTP server ii dovecot-lucene 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - Lucene support ii dovecot-managesieved 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - ManageSieve server ii dovecot-pop3d 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - POP3 daemon ii dovecot-sieve 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - Sieve filters support ii dovecot-solr 2:2.3.4-2~stretch amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server - Solr support
Am 04.12.18 um 16:04 schrieb Larry Rosenman:
I've been using that recipe for YEARS, and it DOES work for me on FreeBSD (I'm also the port maintainer for dovecot and pigeonhole).
Not sure exactly what you are doing wrong, but I use lmtp to deliver the mail to mbox formatted mailboxes.
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 9:11 AM Jakobus Schürz <> wrote:
-- Larry Rosenman Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c) E-Mail: US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106
Did you notice the
fileinto :flags
usage? It comes from imap4sieve extension.
I think you meant imap4flags, not imap4sieve.
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 9:17 AM Aki Tuomi <> wrote:
-- Larry Rosenman Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c) E-Mail: US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106
Yes. I did it the same way, Larry described.
And i have in my sieve-script, which i use also for years the other notation i tried before, many times in use. The last month it did not recognize, that this rules won't work any longer. Today i played around a little, then i saw, it won't work to set the \Seen-Flag...
Please be aware, i can set Junk-Flag, and Thunderbird shows me the Emails marked as Junk. I can set the $label3-Flag, and Thunderbird shows me the Message marked as personal.
Only the \Seen-Flag is not able to be set. Messages are always shown as Unseen. Sometimes also as Recent...
Not when i set it in an own line with addflag. Not when i set it with setflag as the only Flag. Not when i set it together with other flags in one line. The other flags are set. Only \Seen is not set.
BG Jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 16:17 schrieb Aki Tuomi:
I have an additional information.
Moving a already seen messsage to another imap-folder (drag&drop in thunderbird) shows this email in the other folder as unseen and recent.
Is this normal behaviour?
BR Jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 16:36 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
Depends on what Thunderbird is doing. If it is doing a COPY, flags will be preserved per IMAP spec. If it is doing an APPEND, then Thunderbird would be responsible for transferring the flags (and clearing the recent flag) to match COPY semantics.
This is, what the logs say, when i move a message to another folder with thunderbird drag&drop
Dec 04 17:22:24 mymail dovecot[16982]: imap(<17010><XtHsqjR8JqbV0J0m>: copy from INBOX/Arbeiten/bla: box=INBOX, uid=849, msgid=<>, from=Full Name <>, subject=TEST005, flags=($label3 NonJunk)
Dec 04 17:22:24 mymail dovecot[16982]: imap(<17010><XtHsqjR8JqbV0J0m>: expunge: box=INBOX/Arbeiten/bla, uid=7, msgid=<>, from=Full Name <>, subject=TEST005, flags=(\Seen $label3 NonJunk)
So i think, there is a Problem with dovecot. Is it possible, that a misconfiguration causes such a behaviour?
It is only the \Seen flag which is removed and obviously the \Recent-flag, which is set, when i move a message to another folder. All other Flags can i set/remove with sieve-filters. Maybe these flags are set correctly, but then is another process, which removes the \seen and sets the \recent flag on every new message in a folder...
BR Jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 17:02 schrieb Michael Slusarz:
Moving a message from one folder to another with thunderbird, gmail-app on android and horde webmail has always the same behaviour. The \Recent flag ist set and the \Seen-Flag is removed in the new folder. So it is not a problem of thunderbird.
BR Jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 17:31 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
- Jakobus Schürz:
The \Recent flag ist set and the \Seen-Flag is removed in the new folder. So it is not a problem of thunderbird.
Did you mention your data storage format yet? If you use Maildir, Flags are stored as part of the physical file name. For example, the name ",S=45171,W=45803:2,RS" indicates that the message was seen ('S') and has been replied to ('R'). Check if the file names match what you see in your MUA.
Files named "dovecot-keywords" are used to map additional letters to flags (used to store Thunderbird's "$label1" etc.). If the keywords file get messed up, it can cause confusion, and because there can be keywords files with varying content per folder, letters in file names can have different meanings in different directories. Moving files around can be therefore be tricky.
Also, I wonder if the delivery mechanism might matter. I use Dovecot's LMTP.
Hi Ralph!
There is an email, which filename is:
Then i move this email to another IMAP-Folder, and then there is the filename
As expected, the seen-flag disappeared... the same as thunderbird shows.
This happens if i move the file with thunderbird with drag&drop and in horde and in androids gmail-app.
The mistake happens in dovecot or pigeonhole.
As you can see, i user maildir-format.
Am 04.12.18 um 19:10 schrieb Ralph Seichter:
- Jakobus Schürz:
And what about the "dovecot-keywords" files in both folders? Do they match? The letter "a" seems to indicates that there is at least one non-standard flag defined in the source folder's keywords. By the way, can I assume you move messages only by using Thunderbird/IMAP and not by manipulating the file system?
Here's how things look on my server:
# On arrival (UNSEEN),S=1390,W=1422:2, # After reading (SEEN),S=1390,W=1422:2,S # After being moved to another folder (SEEN),S=1390,W=1422:2,S
I can use IMAP search terms SEEN and UNSEEN as indicated above, and I see the same message state displayed in Notmuch mail (my default, it accesses Dovecot's Maildir storage directly) and various IMAP clients connecting to Dovecot. Things are working just fine here.
Does it matter, if the keyword-files do not match?
In one of the two folders is the content of dovecot-keywords
0 $label3 1 Junk 2 NonJunk
in the other folder:
0 $label3 1 NonJunk 2 Junk 3 redirected 4 $label2 5 $label4 6 Seen
As i said, i use $labes[1-4] from thunderbird. And i use as MUA Thunderbird, Androids Gmail-App, Horde webmail, somtimes samsungs mail-app on android, k9mail on android (not now), and evolution from gnome. But... the Filename loses the S, when copying the file to another folder with all of the mailclients. As i showed you.
I also deactivated all of the sievescripts in dovecot (i have some before, some after, the two for setting and removing Junk and \seen as described at the begin of this thread, and user-sieve-scripts), and dovecot again sets a moved message to unread and recent...
I also tested it for another user. The same.
And it is ONLY the Seen-Flag, which does not work on setting it via sieve. Or maybe, setting a message as \Recent removes the \Seen-Flag? And dovecot sets every new message in a folder to \Recent, independend where it comes from??? Sorry, I'm not a programmer ;-)
But i try to describe it as good as possible, what i can see on my machine.
Hopefully i have time to setup a second mailserver for testing-purpose, to test, what's going on. Is it the rest of kopano, which shits into my dovecot, or some misconfiguration, or the ldap-connection?
There is exim4, which pipes the emails to /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
But when i move emails around from one imap-folder to another one, there is no exim...
The other thing is (as shown in a mail before), i have rspamd, to which i pipe messages, when i move them from Junk to anywhere - learning ham, and move them from anywhere to Junk - learning spam. This process only sends a copy of the already moved message to rspamc...
The filesystem has read/write permissions for vmail:vmail, which i user for the mailboxes and dovecot-process...
For me, it looks like when dovecot copys or put a message to a folder, it sets it default to unseen and recent. Is there maybe an option, which has influence for this behaviour?
And i do not move messages directly on filesystem with cp, mv or other filesystemtools.
Am 05.12.18 um 01:21 schrieb Ralph Seichter:
What really strange is:
There is a seen message
Shown in Thunderbird as seen. Then i move this message to INBOX, and the logs say:
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: Mailbox INBOX: Mailbox opened because: UID move
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox INBOX: MOVE event
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Error: Log synchronization error at seq=22,offset=31692 for /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/ Append with UID 861, but next_uid = 862
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Warning: fscking index file /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: sieve: Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 (60b0f48d) initializing
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: sieve: Sieve imapsieve plugin for Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 (60b0f48d) loaded
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: sieve: Sieve Extprograms plugin for Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 (60b0f48d) loaded
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: Static mailbox rule [1]: mailbox=INBOX/Junk' from=
*' causes=(COPY) => before=file:/etc/dovecot/sieve/report-spam.sieve' after=(none) Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: Static mailbox rule [2]: mailbox=
*' from=INBOX/Junk' causes=(COPY) => before=
file:/etc/dovecot/sieve/report-ham.sieve' after=(none)
*Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]:
imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: copy from INBOX/Arbeiten/bla:
box=INBOX, uid=861,
msgid=<>,, subject=TEST006, flags=()*
Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: expunge: box=INBOX/Arbeiten/bla, uid=16, msgid=<>,, subject=TEST006, flags=(\Seen)
The fat line shows, that the copied message has no flags. The next line shows, that the expunged message has the \Seen-Flag... That is strange. Do YOU have any idea, what can cause this?
The filename in the new folder is:
Then I deactivated the actions on COPY (the two lines above the fat line) and moved this message back:
Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: imap(<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Debug: Mailbox INBOX/Arbeiten/bla: Mailbox opened because: UID move Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: imap(<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Debug: acl vfile: file /var/mail/ not found Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: imap(<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox INBOX/Arbeiten/bla: MOVE event Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: imap(<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Error: Log synchronization error at seq=2,offset=20716 for /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/ Append with UID 18, but next_uid = 19 Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: imap(<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: Warning: fscking index file /var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/ *Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: imap(<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: copy from INBOX: box=INBOX/Arbeiten/bla, uid=18, msgid=<>,, subject=TEST006, flags=()* Dec 05 10:29:52 mymail dovecot[5621]: imap(<5646><NgXXBUN86TMuffon>: expunge: box=INBOX, uid=861, msgid=<>,, subject=TEST006, flags=(\Seen)
The fat line again shows, that the message has no flags set (but i klicked it in thunderbird, and it was shown as seen, before i moved it. Filenamebehaviour is as before. The file in the copy-destination has no S for seen...
Is there a posibility, that there is a connection to the "Log synchronization error"? On each and every move-Action, at the beginning the logs show this error (i reported also yesterday and month before!)
Am 05.12.18 um 09:24 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
Hello! is anybody else here??? Are my informations to much? Am I alone with this fucking shit? Are my informations to less??? Why do I have the feeling, nobody else is interesting in this problem?
Am 05.12.18 um 11:37 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
We've all shown the way it should work, and what DOES work for us. There appears to be <something> different about your setup.
I've showed you my spam sieve filter that does set \Seen.
I deliver my mail via dovecot LMTP to mbox formatted files.
What's different in your setup?
Those \Seen flags are visible in ALL the clients I use (Outlook, Outlook Android, Gmail Android, Neomutt).
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 3:15 PM Jakobus Schürz <> wrote:
-- Larry Rosenman Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c) E-Mail: US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106
Ok. I told you, that all and every Flag is set, except \Seen... I tried to figure out, whats happening here... And my dovecot is not working as it is designed...
It's nice to see, that dovecot is working for you... but here it is not working as it should... Changing to cyrus? What should i do? Where i can find debug-infos?
Please understand me right... It is nice for you, if dovecot does, what you expect... It is nice. But here it does not work correctly. dovecot makes a big mistake. And i try to give as much information, as i'm possible to give... Nice to hear, that your dovecot copies the Seen-Flag... my dovecot does not copy the Seen-flag. It ignores it. But WHY. Fucking WHY???
Are there some posibilities to turn up log level? more than i know? How can i get more debug-level? That are the informations, i need to know.. It is useless for me, when i know, that dovecot works for you. My dovecot does not its job. And i need to know, how i can debug this shit. I hope, you understand me. If your dovecot works as expected... it's nice for you... it does not help me. I need definitly other informations...
Am 05.12.18 um 22:18 schrieb Larry Rosenman:
On 06/12/2018 07:29, Jakobus Schürz wrote:
that all and every Flag is set, except \Seen... I tried to figure out, whats happening here...
Paste what your sieve file contains now (no, I'm not going back over this thread - its becoming as long as war and peace, and you may have changed it since then)
Please understand me right... It is nice for you, if dovecot does, what you expect... It is nice. But here it does not work correctly. dovecot makes a big mistake. And i try to give as much information, as i'm possible to give...
I doubt its dovecot, since no one else has reported this problem that I can see - without going back to find the start of the thread.
my dovecot does not copy the Seen-flag. It ignores it. But WHY. Fucking WHY???
Mind your tongue if you want help here, despite frustrations (man I must be getting old and mellowing), no one here has to do shit for you, the fact it works for everyone else, indicates there is a problem with your configuration and yours alone - somewhere, and because you're the only one experiencing this, it may be harder to trace the origin of.
-- Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
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On 6.12.2018 6.54, Noel Butler wrote:
I finally had some time to try this out, and wasn't able to reproduce the problem with 2.3.4 and 0.5.4.
I tried both Sieve and IMAPSieve, but I wonder if this is something
particular in your environment or settings, so I have to ask you to post
your doveconf -n
once more.
On 07/12/2018 16:44, Aki Tuomi wrote:
I finally had some time to try this out, and wasn't able to reproduce the problem with 2.3.4 and 0.5.4.
I tried both Sieve and IMAPSieve, but I wonder if this is something
particular in your environment or settings, so I have to ask you to post
your doveconf -n
once more.
Did he ever tell us what this is on, I saw stretch somewhere in thread so I gather its debian, but is it on real hardware, or rpi, has he tried using the source, who knows what happens when distros butcher things up into 70 different sub packages :)
-- Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate, discuss, or reveal, any part, to anyone, without the authors express written authority to do so. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender then delete all copies of this message including attachments, immediately. Confidentiality, copyright, and legal privilege are not waived or lost by reason of the mistaken delivery of this message. Only PDF [1] and ODF [2] documents accepted, please do not send proprietary formatted documents
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Am 07.12.18 um 08:10 schrieb Noel Butler:
Hi. sorry for my anger a few days ago... And Aki... i reviewd the thread... you never asked me before for dovecot -n. It is the first time. I also wrote, that i use the packages from the dovecot-repo for debian. So i was thinking, it is clear, which version i use. It's not debian-repo, it is dovecot-repo, which i got from the dovecot-release-notes.
My anger was, i wrote details, logmessages, behaviour... again and again... and i got the every similar message "for me it works"... and "i dont want to read the whole thread"... so i was angry, how often again i should post the same again...
Great sorry for my tongue.
My hardware is a rented virtual server from a cloudprovider in germany, where i have full permissions on it. The filesystem is ext4. I atteched my dovecot -n
The mails all are stored in maildir in /var/mail. There is an extra dir /var/lib/dovecot/db... where index and control are in separate directories.
The owner and group from all of this directories are all vmail:vmail The permissions are 0700 (only vmail is allowed to read/write/execute in this directories)
And again... it's independed from MUA: When i move a message to another folder, the message in the new folder is shown as recent and unseen. I posted - i think - 3 times the logs from the copy/expunge-task, where the "flags()" is empty on copy, but expunge from the original folder shows the correct flags. If you want... i can do it a 4th time ;-)
I also asked for a possibility (which i do not know) to turn up the debug-level more than i have now, to see, what happens, that i can post it. maybe it is a permission-problem. I don't know. Maybe there is a sieve-script working, which i don't know, which sets a message to unseen and recent, if it arrives to a folder (i deactivated all the sieve-scripts, but the behaviour was the same wrong). There are two scripts for rspamd and spamassassin, which learn spam or ham, depending a message is moved to or from Junk. I also commented the lines out in the sievescript... no change. Every message which is new in a Folder is set to recent and unseen.
Best regards
On 07/12/2018 17:55, Jakobus Schürz wrote:
I finally had some time to try this out, and wasn't able to reproduce the problem with 2.3.4 and 0.5.4.
I tried both Sieve and IMAPSieve, but I wonder if this is something
particular in your environment or settings, so I have to ask you to post
your doveconf -n
once more.
Did he ever tell us what this is on, I saw stretch somewhere in thread so I gather its debian, but is it on real hardware, or rpi, has he tried using the source, who knows what happens when distros butcher things up into 70 different sub packages :) Hi. sorry for my anger a few days ago... And Aki... i reviewd the thread... you never asked me before for dovecot -n. It is the first time. I also wrote, that i use the packages from the dovecot-repo for debian. So i was thinking, it is clear, which version i use. It's not debian-repo, it is dovecot-repo, which i got from the dovecot-release-notes.
My anger was, i wrote details, logmessages, behaviour... again and again... and i got the every similar message "for me it works"... and "i dont want to read the whole thread"... so i was angry, how often again i should post the same again... Great sorry for my tongue. My hardware is a rented virtual server from a cloudprovider in germany, where i have full permissions on it. The filesystem is ext4. I atteched my dovecot -n
The mails all are stored in maildir in /var/mail. There is an extra dir /var/lib/dovecot/db... where index and control are in separate directories. The owner and group from all of this directories are all vmail:vmail The permissions are 0700 (only vmail is allowed to read/write/execute in this directories)
And again... it's independed from MUA: When i move a message to another folder, the message in the new folder is shown as recent and unseen. I posted - i think - 3 times the logs from the copy/expunge-task, where the "flags()" is empty on copy, but expunge from the original folder shows the correct flags. If you want... i can do it a 4th time ;-)
I also asked for a possibility (which i do not know) to turn up the debug-level more than i have now, to see, what happens, that i can post it. maybe it is a permission-problem. I don't know. Maybe there is a sieve-script working, which i don't know, which sets a message to unseen and recent, if it arrives to a folder (i deactivated all the sieve-scripts, but the behaviour was the same wrong). There are two scripts for rspamd and spamassassin, which learn spam or ham, depending a message is moved to or from Junk. I also commented the lines out in the sievescript... no change. Every message which is new in a Folder is set to recent and unseen.
Best regards
and your current .dovecot.sieve file is?
-- Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
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- Jakobus Schürz:
Members of this mailing list, including the Dovecot authors, are not required care about your problems, let alone offer any assistance whatsoever. Please leave all your entitlement issues at the door.
- Jakobus Schürz:
Does it matter, if the keyword-files do not match?
Possibly. The keyword files define flag<->letter mappings. You have shown two files with mappings (let's call them A and B) with A being a subset of B. If a file is moved from A to B, all is fine. What happens if a file is moved from B to A is for Aki to know. ;-)
This does not look right to me. AFAIK, "Seen" should not appear in this list, because it is one of the predefined flags, but that is also a subject I'd like to hear the Dovecot authors talk about.
P.S.: Unrelated: Please do not top-post, and definitely do not quote the complete message history every time you reply. Thanks.
Am 05.12.18 um 22:19 schrieb Ralph Seichter: the official dovecot doku... so... Seen is in this file... Dovecot must write it down there... because i did it not... i work with thunderbird, gmail and horde... so dovecot must wrote it itself...
On 12/5/18, 3:32 PM, "dovecot on behalf of Jakobus Schürz" < on behalf of> wrote:
Ok. I use dovecot as a service... i did nothing, which is not said in
the official dovecot doku... so... Seen is in this file... Dovecot must
write it down there... because i did it not... i work with thunderbird,
gmail and horde... so dovecot must wrote it itself...
Your attitude is NOT helping you here. We're mostly volunteers and fellow users here. We don't owe you a thing.
That said, hopefully Aki or one of the other folks (Stephan?) will jump in here.
On Wed, 5 Dec 2018, Jakobus Schürz wrote:
I think it does not matter.
Yes, Dovecot write it there, but a client instructed Dovecot to do so as keyword (tag or whatever it is named), maybe the Sieve script was it.
Seen in this file is not the "seen" status of IMAP.
To get deeper into the problem, I would:
edit the dovecot-keywords files to spell "Seen" as "XSeen", in order to make sure this setting (local keyword) does not interfere with \Seen (global IMAP flag)
change (I know it should not matter)
addflag "Junk \\seen";
addflag "Junk"; addflag "\\Seen";
- use a file dump tool to verify that "what you see is what you've typed", meaning that "\\Seen" is really ASCII \\Seen, e.g. in Linux:
hd sieve-script
Steffen Kaiser -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1
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I think i got it. This weekend i setup a totally new Mailserver for testing purpose. First to the default-setup and used a file for userdb. Then I activated ldap-authentication. Moving emails around does not changed the \Seen-state (how it should be) Then i copied my 10-mail.conf to the new server. And moving a message to an other folder sets it as \Recent and unseen... So the bug must be in this file...
My setup uses separat directories for INDEX anc CONTROL in /var/lib/dovecot... and INDEXPVT for shared boxes and even the INBOX...
Then I removed all the separate INDEX, CONTROL an INDEXPVT-options for mail_location so thant only
mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/%u/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs
was left. And moving messages arround let them stay unseen.
Then i added INDEX, CONTROL and INDEXPVT step by step and tested the setup...
At least i had again
mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/%u/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs:INDEX=/var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/%u:INDEXPVT=/var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/Maildir/%u:CONTROL=/var/lib/dovecot/db/control/Maildir/%u
Moving messages with INDEXPVT in the config sets messages again to \Recent and unseen in the new Folder. Without INDEXPVT an unseen message stays unseen...
So i think, the problem is solved.
Bye jakob
participants (8)
Aki Tuomi
Jakobus Schürz
Larry Rosenman
Michael Slusarz
Noel Butler
Ralph Seichter
Steffen Kaiser
Сергей .