[Dovecot] MySQL Auth and default_mail_env

dovecot at technicalabuse.com dovecot at technicalabuse.com
Tue Mar 9 11:49:28 EET 2004


Well I got the env to work with leaving an empty 

default_mail_env =  

In the conf and using the full path in the db. 

IE: mbox:/var/spool/mail/domain/imap/user/

I can't use substitution with this method and I get Fatal: chdir errors now
on login 

For the UID / GID listed in the DB 

This is a bit frustrating.

Is anyone using mysql auth successfully ? OR should I be waiting for a
working release.


-----Original Message-----
From: dovecot-bounces at dovecot.org [mailto:dovecot-bounces at dovecot.org] On
Behalf Of dovecot at technicalabuse.com
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 5:15 PM
To: dovecot at dovecot.org
Subject: [Dovecot] MySQL Auth and default_mail_env


Not sure how much support you guys can offer but when I use 

default_mail_env =

I get the login error .. 

Fatal: Failed to create storage with data:

It is grabbing the right values for %d and %n from the mysql query 

65 Query       SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = 'USER' AND
domainname = 'DOMAIN'
65 Query       SELECT home, uid, gid FROM users where username = 'USER' AND
domainname = 'DOMAIN'

Anyone have the same experience.

Any help is appreciated.


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