[Dovecot] Re: Rogue child imap processes when using Mac imap clients

darren david darren at 3x3x3.org
Wed Mar 31 19:22:10 EEST 2004

hey all-

just a ping to see if this ssue has been resolved. it's still popping up 
for me. Also wondering whose the owner of the OpenBSD port and if we'll 
be seeing an updated version anytime soon? we're still on as 
far as i can tell...


Andreas Fuchs wrote:

> On 2003-12-08, Timo Sirainen <tss at iki.fi> wrote:
>>On Dec 8, 2003, at 7:28 PM, darren david wrote:
>>>I am currently running dovecot 0.99.10p2 on
>>>OpenBSD-3.4-snapshot. It has been very stable, but I have recently
>>>noticed that I am having problems when checking IMAP-SSL mail with
>>>Mac OS X clients. There are not problems using Mozilla or Outlook
>>>on Windows, but Mac clients (Thunderbird, Mozilla, Mail.app) all
>>>exhibit the same behavior - they can check and send mail, but I end
>>>up with a single, rogue child imap process on the server that pins
>>>the cpu that i have to 'kill -9' to clear out.
>>>Is this a Mac problem or a Dovecot problem? I'm not even sure what
>>>to look for in the logs...
>>Hmm. Check with ktrace what the imap process is doing and send the
>>log to me? (I'm not exactly sure how ktrace worked, it was a bit
>>weird.)  And maybe check with gdb too where it's stuck at (gdb
>>/usr/local/lib/dovecot/imap <pid> and "bt" command). Or is it imap
>>process or imap-login process?
> Got one (although I'm not sure if this comes from handling a Mac mail
> reader):
>  45793 dovecot  CALL  sendto(0x9,0x11ffac40,0x45,0,0,0)
>  45793 dovecot  GIO   fd 9 wrote 69 bytes
>        "<19>Dec 10 22:37:15 dovecot: socketpair() failed: Too many open files"
>  45793 dovecot  RET   sendto 69/0x45
>  45793 dovecot  CALL  socketpair(0x1,0x1,0,0x11ffb9d0)
>  45793 dovecot  RET   socketpair -1 errno 24 Too many open files
>  45793 dovecot  CALL  gettimeofday(0x11ffabf0,0)
>  45793 dovecot  RET   gettimeofday 0
> This is what's happening on an alpha/freebsd, in a tight loop.
> (FreeBSD s2.enemy.org 4.9-STABLE FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE #1: Mon Nov 24
> 10:37:25 CET 2003 root at s2.enemy.org:/u/src/sys/compile/S2 alpha)
> Unfortunately, I couldn't extract a gdb backtrace. Perhaps you can
> work with that until I can get one (should be another 2-4 days) (-:
>>Anyway, I haven't noticed problems with Mail.app.
> Thanks a lot,

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