[Dovecot] Usernames and Passwords for Virtual Users Request

Jakob Hirsch jh at plonk.de
Tue Nov 1 03:36:45 EET 2005

Matt wrote:

> If a user trys to authenticate with just there username such as "joeb"
> instead of joeb at dirt.com I would like Dovecot to check all the domains
> it hosts and if it only finds one with the username "joeb" assume thats

Sadly, you told nothing about how you store your user data.
I simply presume it's in some sql database.

I had the same problem when we converted from system users to
user at domain logins. So I stored the system users that where used for
mail in a separate column in the users table and used a query like

SELECT ... WHERE (user='%n' AND domain='%d') OR old_login='%u'

This will even work with multiple domains having the same username.

> also be nice to automatically lowercase all usernames before
> authentication.

Use the substitution modifiers, e.g. %Lu

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