[Dovecot] Error "make install" of dovecot 1.0b3

David A. Lee dlee at calldei.com
Tue Feb 28 03:18:51 EET 2006

> A quick glance at the Wiki documentation, and we find:
> IP or host address where to listen in for connections. It's not currently 
> possible to specify multiple addresses. "*" listens in all IPv4 
> interfaces. "[::]" listens in all IPv6 interfaces, but may also listen in 
> all IPv4 interfaces depending on the operating system. If you want to 
> specify ports for each service, you will need to configure these settings 
> inside the protocol imap/pop3 { ... } section, so you can specify 
> different ports for IMAP/POP3.
Saw that, was happy.

> ... so, that's the "where"...  but you're right, it doesn't actually 
> specify clearly anywhere the name of the parameter for specifying the 
> port.  A search

Saw that ... was sad ...

> through the mailing list logs turns up that it's listen and ssl_listen, 
> like:
> protocol imap {
> listen = *:10143
> ssl_listen = *:10993
> }
> Timo:  does this mean I could (in theory) leave out the global listen 
> directive, so long as I specified a listen directive for _every_ protocol 
> section?

This works !!!

Thanks !

Now if only I could get it to authenticate ...

David A. Lee
dlee at calldei.com

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