[Dovecot] irregular problem on outlook + imap

Michele Petrazzo - Unipex michele.petrazzo at unipex.it
Thu Dec 10 20:33:46 EET 2009

Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 16:19 +0100, Michele Petrazzo - Unipex wrote:

First of all, thanks a lot for the reply. I had lost hope!

>> * LSUB () "." " folder.with.dots and spaces and numbers"
> This means it's in the subscriptions file.


>> lylu APPEND "folder.with.dots and spaces and numbers" (\Seen)
>> "30-Nov-2009 10:34:00 +0100" {280844}
>> lylu NO [TRYCREATE] Mailbox doesn't exist: folder.with.dots and spaces
>> and numbers
> This means it doesn't really exist, even though it's subscribed.

Do you know when/why this can happen?

>> On the maildir home (maildir:~/mail/), it's present the folder.with.dots
>> and spaces and numbers and the same into the "subscriptions" file


> Are you sure it's really in the ~/mail/ directory exactly the same? You
> could try also talking IMAP directly:
> telnet localhost 143
> a login user pass
> b list "" "folder.with.dots*"
> Is it listed?

No! But since it's passed some days, my customer modify / rename and 
delete some folders and I don't know if because he touch that folders or 
because there is a problem. Tomorrow I'll call him and I'll let you know.

Thanks a lot,

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