[Dovecot] offlineimap with dovecot and sieve

Stephan Bosch stephan at rename-it.nl
Fri May 29 22:28:00 EEST 2009

Steffen Kaiser wrote:
> The new libsieve library of Stephan Bosch does include a tool called 
> "sieve-filter". It applies a Sieve script to all messages in a folder.
This is still a work in progress. It is undocumented and ill tested.

> In addition there is a "sieve-test" tool that:
> "
> - -e     Turns on true execution of the set of actions that results from 
> running the script. In combination with the -l parameā€
>               ter,  the  actual  delivery  of  messages  can be tested. 
> Note that this will not transmit any messages to remote SMTP
>               recipients. Such actions only print the outgoing message 
> to stdout.
> "
Yes, sieve-test is more of a test tool an not a delivery tool or mail 
store filter.

Currently, the best way would still be to build some sort of deliver 
hack. At least until I finish sieve-filter.


Stephan Bosch
stephan at rename-it.nl

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