[Dovecot] Making shared folders "unmovable"

Dave dave at momentumweb.com
Wed Jan 12 01:37:08 EET 2011

Well, I've tried ACLs before and had no success, which I remembered when 
looking back through the config file to try it now. :)  But, perhaps I'm 
missing something obvious!  Here's what I've done: I enabled the ACL 
features in IMAP with "mail_plugins = acl imap_acl" under the "protocol 
imap {" section, as instructed in the wiki.  I also added "acl = vfile" 
under the "plugin {" section.  I HUPped Dovecot so as to re-read the 
config, and put a "dovecot-acl" in Maildir/.TestFolder that contains 1 line:
anyone lrwstipea

So, in theory, that should do it right?  No "x" and no "k" permissions 
in that list for "anyone", yet I can still delete, move, and rename the 
"TestFolder" folder (in which that dovecot-acl file resides, on disk in 
the folder above) through my mail client.  What am I missing?  Clearly 
something! :)  (I haven't tried restarting Dovecot yet as there are some 
people using the mailbox at the moment, fwiw.)

On 1/11/2011 4:11 PM, Willie Gillespie wrote:
> Jose Celestino wrote:
>> You may be able to do that with ACLs.
> Jose is right.  Take away the x and k rights with ACLs.

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