[Dovecot] IPhone wont delete IMAP messages from dovecot mailbox

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed Nov 14 17:52:53 EET 2012

Am 14.11.2012 16:16, schrieb tibby at tibby.hu:
> With the iPhone there is this guide.
> If I set imap prefix path to INBOX from / as it says, then works fine.
> What do I need to configure to get this working with / by default? I Think this would solve the problem.
> http://www.netchimp.co.uk/webdesign/iphone-ipad-macbook-mac/iphone-unable-to-move-message-to-trash-imap/

you simply need ACTIVLIY to configure ANY mail client
using the same account, especially apple

Apple Inc. is the only company which manages to have
5 sent folders over a few months because different
devices and different software versions are naming
them differently and the same for other special
folders too and i you have more than one account
go get a nex incarnation wit "special (accountname)"

they are simply stoo stupid for using english words
like "inbox", "sent", "trash" and DISPLAY it localized
like thunderbird does since forever

if you are using webmail and different clients / operating
systems too you have to configure ANY client to the same
folders and remove the additional created crap manually

this is NOT a problem of the mailserver

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