Awfully slow dovecot

Nick Edwards nick.z.edwards at
Fri Dec 26 16:21:20 UTC 2014

On 12/26/14, Marc Stürmer <mail at> wrote:
> Maildir is fine as long as you don't have too much mail on your
> storage, but there comes a point when you are getting big enough where
> Maildir really isn't going to behave really nicely anymore, because
> too many files and way too many seeks. Mdbox is quite different and
> scales beyond the point of Maildir with ease.
that may only be true depending om your filesystem

it may be no more supported for obvious reasons, but reiserfs will
never be beaten for maildir
and maildir  is time tested and proven in very large environments with
millions of users, with many GB quotas runs perfect with depuping on
netapps too.

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