ATrpms repo

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Tue Jul 15 08:43:32 UTC 2014

Am 15.07.2014 05:42, schrieb Will Yardley:
> Tried mailing the maintainer, but didn't get a response -- anyone know
> what's happened to the ATrpms repo? 
> Not only is 
> empty, but:
> seems to return a 404. Some of the mirrors still have the packages, but
> does anyone know if they're going to continue to build 2.2.x packages?

avoid ATrpms

enable this repo unconditionally sooner or later will *** your
OS installation because he overrides base packages often in
incompatible ways and mixed with sane repos like rpmfusion
years ago already leaded in randomly crashing applications

additionally the packages are poor tested

i remember a WLAN driver which crashed my system after an
update and the reponse was "sorry typo" which means for
me careless maintaining

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