Rebuilding SIS attachment links from log

Hardy Flor HFlor at
Wed Mar 4 17:29:00 UTC 2015

I use this script for review. For a correct result Dovecot should not run.



cd "$attdir" || exit 1
find -type f -printf "%P\n" | grep -v "hashes" | sort -u 
cd "$maildir" || exit 2
rm "$maildir/files.ok" "$maildir/" 2>/dev/null
for f in $(find -type f -name "m.*" -printf "%P\n"); do
   doveadm dump -t dbox "$f" | egrep "^msg.ext-ref" | while read z; do
     set -- $z
     while [ -n "$1" ]; do
       if [[ $1 == */* ]]; then
         test -r "$attdir/$1" && echo "$1" >>"$maildir/files.ok" || echo 
"$1" >>"$maildir/"
sort -u "$maildir/files.ok" >"$maildir/files.s"
diff -Nu "$maildir/attachments.s" "$maildir/files.s" | tee 
"$maildir/files.diff" | egrep "^\-"

Am 03.03.2015 um 22:08 schrieb Daniel Miller:
> This seems simple enough...I'm just not script wizard.  If someone can 
> throw together a starting point I can test and tweak it from there.  
> It seems to me:
> 1.  Read /var/mail/mail.err or specified logfile
> 2.  For each "failed: 
> read(/var/mail/attachments/aa/bb/attachmentHash-userHash" line,
>     a. Confirm /var/mail/attachments/aa/bb/hashes/attachmentHash exists
>         i. If attachmentHash is missing display such for possible 
> backup searching.
>     b. create link attachmentHash-userHash to hashes/attachmentHash
> 3.  Continue to end of file
> Can this be done via "pure" BASH?  Need sed/awk as well?

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