Shared inbox?

Chris Ross cross+dovecot at
Mon May 25 16:59:45 UTC 2015

  I'm running dovecot 2.2.16 on my FreeBSD mail server.  I've read information on the wiki about setting up shared mailboxes, but I want to do something that isn't really coved by the instructions I was reading there.  My son (now 7 years old) has an account on the system, but doesn't use it directly.  But, for things he's interested in like Minecraft, and/or the local zoo, we have given out his email address in a small number of places.  What I would like to set up, both for now while he's not actually ever reading his email himself, and perhaps even for the future when we teach and/or allow for that, is for my wife and I to be able to "view" his inbox from our accounts.

 The instructions for setting up shared folders all are written so that they're secondary folders to all accounts.  Is there a way to either (a) configure sharing someone elses Inbox by other accounts, or (b) setting up a separately configured shared folder to _act_ as the inbox for a single account?

  Thanks.  Any suggestions to achieve the above described end goal would be appreciated. 

                             - Chris

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