"failed to map segment from shared object" in sieve pipe

Robert L Mathews lists at tigertech.com
Thu Mar 22 02:47:59 EET 2018

On 3/21/18 5:28 PM, Dorian Taylor wrote:
> 1) I previously had the vsz_limit unset, and subsequently set to 256M; neither worked.
> 2) I wrote a test script that just ran in a loop appending to a string and printing to stderr how long the string was; it was killed after it reported accumulating about 2MB.
> Weird? or normal?

Probably normal. VSZ includes the total size of all shared objects
mapped into the process address space, whether it's actually used or
not; it's much larger than the memory actively used (which is somewhat
related to "RSS").

We had to increase the Dovecot vsz_limit to 1 GB (!!!) because it would
occasionally run out of 256 MB VSZ memory when doing FTS indexing at
delivery time. A bunch of large Perl modules could conceivably do that, too.

I'd set it to 1 GB instead of zero, though, and see if that works. You
probably want *SOME* limit in case of real problems.

Robert L Mathews, Tiger Technologies, http://www.tigertech.net/

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