Changing the imaps port #

Patrick Mahan plmahan at
Tue Jan 22 06:58:55 EET 2019

Yes, I am pretty sure about that.  I originally was connected via AT&T DSL
but wanted the fast access of cable modem.  I need permanent IPs which
required me to contract with Comcast buisness.  Once I switched over, I was
no longer able to access my imap server, which was as I mentioned, stunnel
listening on the imaps port and forwarding to dovecot listening on the imap

I was getting connection refused on my laptop (thunderbird) email client
when I was not at home.  I validated that it was not because it was
reaching my email server.  So who ever was rejecting it, I assumed it was
somewhere inside the comcast network.  Once I switch to a non-standard
port, I was able to connect again.

Re needing to say ssl = yes, I thought that was implied for imaps?

I can go back to stunnel, just thought it was an unnecessary layer.



On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 8:46 PM @lbutlr <kremels at> wrote:

> On 21 Jan 2019, at 20:17, Patrick Mahan <plmahan at> wrote:
> > Due to comcast buisness ISP intercepting imaps
> At you sure about that? I've been using comcast business for 7 years and
> the do not block 143, 993 587 or 25. they do block 110, but that's fine, I
> stopped supporting POP around 2001.
> Other than 110, they block DHCP, NETBIOS, SNMP, and ports 445, 520, and
> 1080. They will block port 25 on a individual basis, but I've no idea what
> their criteria is for that.
> > I need to have my clients connect to non-standard port (9999).
> Previously I had been using stunnel to receive the imaps connection and
> forward it to the imap port over  But I would like to retire
> stunnel and have my imap clients connect remotely.
> An stunnel or a reverse proxy is the best way to do this, honestly.
> As for why your config isn't working, my only guess is maybe you need to
> specify ssl?
>  inet_listener imaps {
>       port = 999
>       ssl = yes
>    }
> ?
> --
> If you write the word "monkey" a million times, do you start to think
> you're
> Shakespeare? -- Steven Wright
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