two lots of dovecot files

mick crane mc at
Mon Mar 4 17:27:20 EET 2019

is debian buster
I have 2 sets of dovecot files, I don't know why.
one in /etc/dovecot and one in /usr/share/dovecot
they are not links they are actual files.
if I rename /etc/dovecot and restart service then I get connection 
refused when use roundcube.
Some time ago my roundcube installation stopped working properly for the 
web configuration options.
Should I have these 2 directories or just want the one ?
If want only one it's likely then that I configure wrong file with same 
name when I thought my ssl certificate has expired.
Is OK to delete /etc/dovecot and check configuration in 
/usr/share/dovecot ?

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