handling spam from gmail.

@lbutlr kremels at kreme.com
Thu Jun 11 20:43:41 EEST 2020

On 11 Jun 2020, at 03:54, Marc Roos <M.Roos at f1-outsourcing.eu> wrote:
> Yes tell that to the people that create rhel6, rhel7 and rhel8 and give 
> lts support. 

Please post only properly quoted messages and do not top post.

> SpamAssassin 3.3.1 is also not very smart in 2020

Also, do not run old versions of Spamassasin. Especially not that old. SA 3.4 was lrealsed SIX YEARS ago. 3.3.1 was released more than TEN years ago.



"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so, Brain, but, the Rockettes? I mean, it's mostly girls,
	isn't it?"

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