What kind of search response time are you setting with solr full text search?

Steve Dondley s at dondley.com
Wed Aug 25 04:19:30 EEST 2021

> THE PROBLEM: When I do a full text search through all my inbox and all
> subfolders on a single word, search results are returned in about 10
> to 15 seconds. This is better than the 40 seconds or so I'm getting
> when I turn off the fts and fts_solr plugins but still a little
> disappointing.

I did some experimenting. I noticed that if the word I'm searching on is 
fairly rare, results will pop up quickly, like in around 3 to 5 seconds. 
Words that don't exist at all in any email returns nothing almost 

But words that appear in several hundred emails are the ones that are 
take a much longer time.

Not sure if this just might be a slow email client or due to Dovecot 
itself or if maybe 1 GB of ram isn't enough and my machine is 

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