Can't log in from Evolution or Roundcube

Dave McGuire mcguire at
Sat Jan 8 17:20:40 UTC 2022

On 1/8/22 11:27 AM, Ken Wright wrote:
> MariaDB.  Now it's time for me to clarify.  The "source stream returned
> no data" error is in Evolution; the "connection to storage server
> failed" is in Roundcube.  So I'm seeing similar errors in two different
> email clients trying to get to the same server.
> I know there are any number of reasons for a failed connection to
> Dovecot, but I just don't have the experience to figure this one out.

   Understood.  There's enough expertise here to get you going.

   First, ignore the superficial similarity of the errors and 
diagnose/address them individually.  Get one mail client working via IMAP.

   For Evolution's "source stream returned no data", ignore my previous 
suggestion about web browser SSL vs. non-SSL, as that's not relevant to 
Evolution.  The error looked very familiar to me at first; it probably 
came from the same library as whatever I was working with when I hit 
that. (probably libssl)  Go into the mail account configuration in 
Evolution and check the settings there.  I don't use Evolution so I 
can't direct you more specifically, but what to pay attention to here is 
the connection settings and port numbers.  I'm guessing (hazardously) 
that the port number or SSL method is incorrect.  Make sure to 
distinguish between SSL and TLS (STARTTLS).

   Concentrate on getting that working first; don't get distracted from it.

   After that's working, then move on to Roundcube.  Look in Roundcube's file.  Where that file is located is system-dependend; 
mine is in /opt/local/etc/roundcube, which is specific to SmartOS. 
Parameter "$config['db_dsnw']" is the DSN for your database connection. 
This is the format of that configuration variable:

$config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER/DATABASE';

   You're running MariaDB, which is a fork of MySQL, so I'm guessing 
that Roundcube doesn't differentiate between the two, so the "mysql" 
above is probably correct.  Check the docs if that fails.  Obviously, 
the words in uppercase must be correct for your installation.  "SERVER" 
might be "localhost" for you. (it isn't for me)

   One quick thing to check: Did you issue a "flush privileges" command 
to MariaDB after creating the account for Roundcube to use?

   See how far that gets you and report back.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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