multiple doveadm ports?

Aki Tuomi aki.tuomi at
Wed Mar 2 08:12:57 UTC 2022

> On 02/03/2022 10:08 Joachim Lindenberg <dovecot at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to add another doveadm listener but am struggling with that. The primary reason is that I want to enable replication between two systems and want the replication to be encrypted using TLS. However there are also other doveadm clients locally that are not using TLS and I don´t want to touch all of them.
> I tried to define something like
> service doveadm {
>    inet_listener {
>        port = 2425
>    }
>    inet_listener {
>        port = 2426
>        ssl = true
>    }
> }
> But didn´t get that to work. Is that not possible?
> I also tried
> service doveadm {
>    inet_listener {
>        port = 2425
>    }
>    inet_listener http {
>        port = 2426
>        ssl = yes
>    }
> }
> but then I failed with 
> plugin {
>     mail_replica =
> }
> Can someone please share what is supported and what not, or any pointer to documentation that does?
> Thanks a lot!
> Regards,
> Joachim

There is no https support in mail replica, just tcps.


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