[Dovecot] Howto add another disk storage

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Fri Jul 6 13:01:46 EEST 2012

On 2012-07-06 5:46 AM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> wrote:
> where do you see anything offending in my reply?

Your tone is almost always offending, Reindl - and you quite often throw 
in a good dose of very offending cursing to boot (admittedly not this 
time though)... basically, I just don't like your general tone, it is 
*never* friendly, and more often than not it is unhelpful (like this time).

> but why use it at all if it is not intentent to use later?

To get up and running quickly and do some quick testing to see if i want 
to invest more serious time on it?

The last time I tried to install freebsd from scratch (version 4/5 days) 
it was a horrendous episode that turned me off to freebsd right away. I 
want to avoid a repeat of that and start with a *working* system to see 
what i may have been missing.

Seriously, for questions like this, either post a responsive answer, or 
just don't answer at all.

> and in my opinion a pre-built image is the wrong start

You know what they say about opinions...

> you learn much more by installing and configure any OS by yourself as
> by use a pre-installed without have a clue why things are working and
> how they do

Reindl - i'm a gentoo user, I know all about the advantages of 
installing from scratch.

Again - just please stay silent if you don't have anything positive to 
contribute - and yes, you often do actually contribute positive things, 
and you definitely have some knowledge to share, but again, your tone 
and manner are almost always those of a know-it-all spoiled teenage 
brat, and I personally have had enough, hence my possibly overly harsh 
response to your know-it-all-non-response.

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