[Dovecot] Howto add another disk storage

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Fri Jul 6 13:16:14 EEST 2012

Am 06.07.2012 12:01, schrieb Charles Marcus:
> Again - just please stay silent if you don't have anything positive to contribute - and yes, you often do actually
> contribute positive things, and you definitely have some knowledge to share, but again, your tone and manner are
> almost always those of a know-it-all spoiled teenage brat, and I personally have had enough, hence my possibly
> overly harsh response to your know-it-all-non-response.

interesting that with the same tone in real life
in more than 30 years nobody had a problem as
long it was not my intention

however - i googled "freebsd vmware image" for you
the first link leads to http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/


in VMware vCenter yxou can installa appliance directly while
it is downloaded via the second entry in the file-menu

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