Feature request.

@lbutlr kremels at kreme.com
Sat Oct 10 12:38:36 EEST 2020

On 09 Oct 2020, at 02:16, Rogier Wolff <R.E.Wolff at BitWizard.nl> wrote:
> It turns out that dovecot had been running uninterrupted since august
> 13th, the certificate was renewed on september 7th and I suspect it
> expired on october 7th.

The ACME protocol that LE uses has a specific feature for specifying a script to run after a certificate updates. One of the common things to do in these scripts is to restart services like apache and dovecot so they see the new certs. Other common actions are copying the certs to specific locations on the system (like, say, into jails) or even to other hardware.

This is the best, most reliable, and least fiddly solution.

SHERRI DOES NOT "GOT BACK" Bart chalkboard Ep. AABF07

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