Looking for a guide to collect all e-mail from the ISP mail server

R. Diez rdiezmail-2006 at yahoo.de
Tue Oct 27 00:20:09 EET 2020

> 2. install and configure OfflineIMAP to synchronize the IMAP folders between your ISP IMAP server and your Dovecot server; see for example 
> http://www.offlineimap.org/doc/quick_start.html

OfflineIMAP is not the way to go. Many ISPs have very low size limits for the mailbox sizes. The one I am looking at right now does have this problem 
(unless you pay extra).

 From what I have gathered now, your hints about Postfix and fetchmail are correct. The trouble is that those doc pages are not real-life, complete 
examples with Dovecot of the two possible ways: 1) multidrop/catch all, and 2) one mailbox per user.

Yes, I should be able to piece it all together. I will probably try. I just find it surprising that there is no such a complete guide yet. Because I 
am sure that there are a few gotchas along the way.

 > see
 > https://blog.sys4.de/abholdienst-fur-mail-de.html

Yes, getmail is an alternative, and that looks like a good way too. But it's the same problem: the article is not complete. It states "how you could 
arrange it". It would be nice that you did not have to manually write a getmail config file per user. And an example for multidrop is missing. There 
is a note at the end that you should carefully plan the transport ways, but I wouldn't know yet what to do in that respect.

It's just not a guide that I can follow from top to bottom to get a first working mail server to play with. That makes it pretty hard for me at this 
time. I will need much more time to learn and test every little detail myself. I'm not promising anything, but I may actually invest the time if I 
don't find anything else more interesting in the meantime. 8-)

In any case, thanks for the hints. I know now what the way to go is. Those pesky port 25 people are not going to get me! ;-)


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