[Dovecot] Authentication Problems.

Tom Ray [Lists] lists at blazestudios.com
Wed Jul 14 03:02:33 EEST 2004


I'm kinda new to Dovecot and I'm trying to do something and it seems 
I've hit a wall. I put together a server with Fedora Core 2, Exim 4.34, 
and Dovecot and I need support mail for multiple domains so 
this is how I have my virtual setup:

Virtual Aliases Files:

Virtual Accounts Passwd File:
/var/virtualdomains/$domains/etc/passwd with the following layout:

Virtual Mailboxes:

I got exim working without problem but when I tried to login via IMAP on 
Dovecot I'm getting 'a001 NO Authentication failed.'

Now I have this setup in dovecot.conf:

default_mail_env = 
auth_userdb = passwd-file /var/virtualdomains/etc/virtpasswd

It's my understanding that Dovecot can't parse out the domain name in 
the auth_userdb command so I modifed my setup to use just the one 
password file and modified it to this;
  user at doman.com:passwd:uid:gid:Virtual 

-rwx------  1 dovecot dovecot 36 Jul 13 18:41 passwd

Is there a setting I have wrong, a step I'm misisng, a permission I 
don't know about....let me know if there is any other information you 
might need and I will provide it.


Tom Ray

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