[Dovecot] Index cache errors worse with 2.2.x

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Thu May 8 11:36:51 UTC 2014

On 5/8/2014 5:59 AM, Alexander 'Leo' Bergolth <leo at strike.wu.ac.at> wrote:
> I am using a single server, mbox, local disks (/home and /var is XFS on
> HP SmartArray).

Hmmm... could be an mbox specific issue (I seem to recall issues in the 
past that ended up being mbox related, and I think Timo doesn't give 
mbox as much attention as maildir and dbox).

Also, possibly a kernel issue - you are on a very old one (I know the 
argument, but I disagree with and have never 'gotten' it). 2.6.32 is 6.5 
years old.

Also, did you change default_vsz_limit for a good reason (one should 
never change defaults unless there is a very specific reason for your 
setup)? Not that I think that could be causing this particular issue 


Best regards,


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