dict passdb: redis nil values

Eirik Rye rye at trojka.no
Tue Jan 28 15:48:26 EET 2020


I am trying to implement a dict lookup for disabled accounts, where both 
the passdb lookup and the disabled lookup is done in the same passdb. I 
was hoping that this configuration would work:

passdb {
   name = redis
   driver = dict
   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-redis.conf.ext


uri = redis:host=

key disabled {
   key = users/%u/disabled/%s
   format = value
   default_value =

key user {
   key = users/%u
   format = json

passdb_objects = user

passdb_fields {
   fail = %{dict:disabled}

Unfortunately, this will always set the fail passdb_field regardless of 
whether the disabled key returns its empty default_value. Removing the 
default_value setting will cause the passdb lookup to fail if key lookup 
fails, as mentioned in the documentation.

Is there a way to have the dict driver handle redis nil values similarly 
to how the sql driver handles NULL values?

A working alternative I found is to set an invalid password if the 
disabled key is set:

passdb_fields {
   password = %{if;%{dict:disabled};eq;;%{dict:user.password};}

However, this feels hacky. It also makes the auth-worker to log the 
following error (despite it being functional):

   dovecot: auth-worker(16229): Error: 
redis(test,,<Kd3zJDOdfs1/AAAB>): Multiple password values not 

Any other suggestions, or should I simply fall back to using a separate 
passdb with deny=yes?

Best regards,

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