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Stephen Blackwell stephenmac98 at
Fri Jun 5 20:27:32 EEST 2020

I want to disable the time penalty for dovecot imap authentication. When
receiving a valid user-password combo the server responds in .04 seconds.
When I send in an invalid comination it will either respond in 1.544 or
2.044 seconds += .002

I am using dovecot to test a program that sends a login request to a server
and processes the response. I want to be able to send a series of valid and
invalid login attempts.

The issue is that with the 2 seconds delay for a bad login attempt, the
tests are too slow to run in production

I can see that the delay is defined in auth-penalty.h Is there a way, in
the config file, to set AUTH_PENALTY_INIT_SECS = 0, or any other way to
remove the time delay for an invalid login.

I am running dovecot version
I am running without root permissions
I do not want to make changes outside of the dovecot config file, password
file, or run folder.

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