Sendmail and Doecot

Marc Marc at
Thu May 20 10:15:03 EEST 2021

> Hi,
> I am using Dovecot v 2.2.32 and Sendmail 8.15.2
> My "folder" config on Dovecot is :
> mbox:/var/spool2/%u/mail:LAYOUT=fs:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u
> But in fact, any email arriving into  the mailbox, stays in  Sendmail
> into the file location (by default) : /var/spool/mail/user1 and any
> folder created,  can be reached via Dovecot  and is located to
> /var/spool2/user1
> If I want to backup the user1's emails, I need to backup the "dovecot"
> location ( /var/spool2/user1) but also the Sendmail file location (
> /var/spool/mail/user1)
> If I don't do that, I loose fresh emails which are still into the
> Sendmail directory, which are not copied into the Dovecot location..
> Sounds weird
> I would expect to backup only my Dovecot directory and my email client
> should see only the Dovecot directory
> I would expect to have small sendmail email file user (
> /var/spool/mail/user1 ) and i should't car about these files. Everything
> should be copied automatically into my Dovecot location
> what do you think ?

I think that if you would know more about sendmail, dovecot and linux, you would not think this is strange ;) What does it even matter having to copy multiple locations. That is why we have computers, to do such things automatically for us.

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