
  • 46 participants
  • 27210 discussions

16 Dec '19
Dovecot v2.3.9.2 released
by 15 Dec '19

15 Dec '19
Bug: icu linking issue in fts plugin
by Martynas Bendorius 15 Dec '19

15 Dec '19
Solr commit and optimize: which user?
by John Gateley 15 Dec '19

15 Dec '19
Parsing variables in config files
by Eudald Valcàrcel Lacasa 15 Dec '19

15 Dec '19
Doveadm HTTP API and CORS
by Peter Chiochetti 13 Dec '19

13 Dec '19
Is is possible to log TLS client versions
by Götz Reinicke 13 Dec '19

13 Dec '19

13 Dec '19
Dovecot 2.3.9 - lmtp crashes with Signal 11
by Michael Stilkerich 13 Dec '19

13 Dec '19