
  • 34 participants
  • 27197 discussions
Winbind auhentication
by Luciano Mannucci 10 Mar '23

10 Mar '23
NFS and performances
by tomate aceite 10 Mar '23

10 Mar '23
how to setup timestamp
by tomate aceite 10 Mar '23

10 Mar '23
index locally
by tomate aceite 10 Mar '23

10 Mar '23
Backend doesn't support GUIDs
by Jose Celestino 09 Mar '23

09 Mar '23
how to setup timestamp
by tomate aceite 08 Mar '23

08 Mar '23
index locally
by tomate aceite 08 Mar '23

08 Mar '23
Dovecot "Mailbox sharing between users".
by Jobst Schmalenbach 07 Mar '23

07 Mar '23
Flags/tags lost when moving e-mails to another folder
by Alexis Ben Miloud--Josselin 06 Mar '23

06 Mar '23